Galactic Captiva

To me, the only logical way to start a screenplay is with the soundtrack. I feel it is a form of organization, much like an outline. Different songs provoke different emotions and therefor have specific scenes they are allotted to.
I am making a sci-fi film. Inspired by the recent flux in "space" music, I have created a play list that tells the story of Glactic Captiva, a Planet in the M7 Galaxy teeming with bizarre creatures and water. A young cadet, Fletcher, has been sent on a mission to conduct tests and survey the area for future human civilizations. Fletcher finds more than anticipated and cancels the colonization of Galactic Captiva, as he falls for a native Captivan, IngBop.
Below the soundtrack widget, I have made notes of what scenes the songs are in.

"War on Sound"- Credits & intro
"Goodbye Girls"- Mission briefing and shuttle preparation
"Up!"- Lift-off and initial orbit
"ROYGBIV"- Sailing through space and engine room
"Strangers in the Wind"- Approaching M7 Galaxy
"Rocket"- Cockpit and descent onto Galactic Captiva
"Worms"- Encounter with Captivan creatures
"Iris"- Eyes contact between Fletcher and IngBop
"Shadows"- Chase scene/ win IngBop's heart
"Ce Jeu"- Bright lights from planet pressure release and Aroura/ First Kiss
"You and Moon"- Fletcher cancels mission and destroys ship
"Ewan"- -FIN- Credits.

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