
I guess summer when you're six is the epitome of what a summer should be. No school, no work, you're parents leave you at summer camps or at home with a cool babysitter and you just fucking rage and play all day, everyday. I remember becoming exceptionally skilled in baseball one summer, and now I suck. I wish we could revert back to those days. Back when I would wake up and read a Babysitters Club book and then play manhunt with my friends on the block. Now I wake up and go to Beginning Spanish II for three hours every day, then come home and do homework, or run other errands, before I drag myself into work.

But hey, in a few years, I will be a teacher, and have summers off again!
In the mean-time, heres a play list that will at least lift my summer blues.
"Dog Parks and Sunshine"

For Barry.
You were always uplifting.

1 comment:

Stephan said...

Don't forget