Nan You and Your Opinion!

Short and sweet.







7. FEVER RAY- (self titled)




Honorable Mention:



I'm the guest DJ tonight for The Garage on Grow Radio!!!
Friday, October 9 2009, 5-7 pm


Requests are being taken, just find any way to get in touch with me.


This song is his apology for missing the Smell show.
To quote:
"Ironic I miss the skatepark benefit because I broke my wrist skateboarding."
I saw him at pitchfork and he played with a cast on, flawlessly.

But this song! Its sooo good!!

y'all should read his blog:


Last Day in PA. Nothing to say. Just watch and enjoy.

California Dreamin'

Day VI

I went for a walk in the woods at my grandparents cabin with my dog, Buster. . While we were walking, a doe ran across our path. She was beautiful and was this wonderful burnt umber color. I couldn't snap a picture though, I just stood in awe with Buster.

Today's song is "Washed Out" by People, a Gainesville band that I'm pretty sure you all should get interested in.

Some Day V

So it is impossible to understand what this picture means, because I couldn't see anything when I took it.

I went to my grandparent's cabin in Clymer, NY and spent the day with the majority of the family. I got to hold my two-month-old cousin, and he is precious. Got my baby time in for the next year or so. It was the hottest it's been all summer, and with all the kids and heat, I was pretty beat (and so were my cranky relatives).

I left to join my friends in North East. There was a heat storm brewing and we decided to go to the beach. The picture above was taken on the walk to the shore. The lightning was similar to that of a strobe light. God was having a rave. Within seconds of getting there, the wind start blowing harder than I've felt since a hurricane. We were pretty certain it wasn't going to rain, but it did. And we got soaked. It was still fun to walk back in the rain though.

Today's song is The Dirty Projectors' "Stillness is the Move". Something about it just screams Apocalyptic weather and babies.

What a Day IV

I went to an Irish Step-Dancing competition today in Buffalo. Pretty ridiculous. Awesome though, completely other-worldly. It was a lot of fun, and I learned a lot about the cultural phenomena. Example being that I like the reel.

Afterward, I RODE THE MAID OF THE MIST!! I wore my poncho as if I were auditioning for a position as a back-up dancer for Animal Collective.

I came home for a family picnic at the Zoo. Too many kids. Too much good food. But I got to feed the Giraffe!

When THAT was over, I went out to an old friend's house warming party with only one person aware that I was even in town. I saw sooo many old friends from.. I don't even remember when anymore. We were just shooting the shit, but it was so comfortable. It was still different though, because everyone has been moving on with their lives, and therefore are buying houses, getting engaged, being young adults. It was just what going home is all about.
Which brings me to today's song. This is the collaboration between Noah Lennox and Bradford Cox.
"What did you want to see; what did you want to be when you grew up?"

Song of the Day III

Berry and Banana Pancakes Napoleon.

I'm at a hotel in Buffalo, about to pass out from several beers and an intoxicating-on-its-own dinner. Yeah, Anthony Bourdain ate here and got what I got for dinner, Beef on Weck. Really weird sandwich, but amazing nonetheless. Right now we're trying to figure out what we're going to order for room service breakfast.

We've had a few bumps along the way, one of which being the battle between my shower-wanton father and the deliberate customer service as to when we could get soap. We have achieved the soap, but we are afraid to be cursed by a Seinfeld episode we watched before we went out to dinner. You know the one, where Jerry has to wake up the professional runner, but he doesn't trust the clerk. We have now set several other alarms. Because Irish step dancing is much like long-distance running.

And, while nothing has to do with today's song, it was stuck in my head all day. Hummingbird by Wilco.

Day II

Have you ever gone somewhere with someone, and realize in unison that it was a terrible idea? Ever wanted to run in the opposite direction of the train wreck you just walked into?
I kinda did that today when I went downtown to the block party and heard this guy scream "ALL RIGHT". Exhibit A:

DISCLAIMER: Don't really watch this.

So, I guess that today's song is "First Communion" by Gang Gang Dance because I've always imagined it as the soundtrack for a chase scene in a movie.

Song of the Day

[While ambitious, I really am boyishly flinging myself into one of these commitments of producing a "song a day" post for a week straight. I'm gonna try.]

So, I went to Pitchfork. I am still simmering in the sauce that is my memory of that ridiculous weekend. I am working on a sampler playlist from the weekend, but the M83 show was what got me to sit down and write THIS blog.

Let me set it up for you. We get there and make friends with people who end up giving us beer. right next to us is a group of kids dressed like indians, eating shrooms, smoking weed, and drinking out of a flask. If they weren't either fat or pimply, I probably would have joined them. And then Morgan Kibby comes on stage with a sequint top that was nearly see through, braless. Needless to say, when the music actually started, the party only got better. This song was the one that got everyone feeling like those drugged up indians.


I guess summer when you're six is the epitome of what a summer should be. No school, no work, you're parents leave you at summer camps or at home with a cool babysitter and you just fucking rage and play all day, everyday. I remember becoming exceptionally skilled in baseball one summer, and now I suck. I wish we could revert back to those days. Back when I would wake up and read a Babysitters Club book and then play manhunt with my friends on the block. Now I wake up and go to Beginning Spanish II for three hours every day, then come home and do homework, or run other errands, before I drag myself into work.

But hey, in a few years, I will be a teacher, and have summers off again!
In the mean-time, heres a play list that will at least lift my summer blues.
"Dog Parks and Sunshine"

For Barry.
You were always uplifting.

Cinco de Mayo!!

Honestly, it wouldn't have been right to post this playlist on time. I needed to recover, which is just a part of the Cinco de Mayo celebrations. And I feel that with the advent of Summer during the Swine Flu pandemic, we could all use a mix to remind us why summer, and hispanic/portuguese music ROOLS.

Anyway, I have been listening to this for a while, it's one of my best to just listen to while working, eating, seducing, etc.

This playlist is dedicated to a traveling Guti. Happy trails!

Cleaning my room

So it's been a while, and, well there's no way to segway into this. I was cleaning my room, and I hate just listening to my music on shuffle. I love listening to music that motivates me to move, and thus, a play list is born.

I made it on youtube, I KNOW! But all of these videos are pretty cool. I suggest you follow this link.

My vacuum!
I know, she's bautiful.

Supersonic Blondes

The higher the hair, the closer to God.

Friends. One of the first albums I really
remember listening to as a child was The B52's album "Cosmic Thing". I am happy to say that thanks to some colleague who brought the CD to work, I have rehashed my fascination with that crowd once again. This spawns now to Tom Tom Club, The Talking Heads, and so on. And what great timing! What with their new album "Funplex" and David Byrns making music again, Gosh I just don't feel like a dead beat anymore!

Anyway, I created a mix, duh, of songs that I found to be encapsulating this 80's fun fun fun music. Not really a mind-altering mix, most of it is obvious. But if you are ever in the mood to just let go and dance.... maybe you do need help.

Oh, and here's that toejam video, it's pretty awesome.

A Sexy Playlist

For the 36th Anniversary of Roe V. Wade!
In case you are lost living under a rock, Wikipedia says that "According to the Roe decision, most laws against abortion in the United States violated a constitutional right to privacy under the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The decision overturned all state and federal laws outlawing or restricting abortion that were inconsistent with its holdings. Roe v. Wade is one of the most controversial and politically significant cases in U.S. Supreme Court history."

As some of you may know, I belong to the VOX organization at UF: Voice for Planned Parenthood. I won't even begin to get into my personal beliefs on the subject, but I do think that this decision has done more good than bad.

So, what better way to celebrate this landmark than by making a playlist? I have carefully selected (with help from a sexy helper) songs that either are about sex, remind me of sex, or are downright sexy. It was harder than it seemed, pun intended.

But seriously, heres to alternatives.

Too Smart for My Own Survival Kit

A mix of "the essentials"

Let's see who catches the theme.